Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is a professional engineering discipline that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. This field first became an identifiable occupation in the later half of the 19th century after commercialization of the electric telegraph, the telephone, and electric power distribution and use. Subsequently, broadcasting and recording media made electronics part of daily life. The invention of the transistor, and later the integrated circuit, brought down the cost of electronics to the point they can be used in almost any household object.
Electrical engineering has now divided into a wide range of fields including electronics, digital computers, computer engineering, power engineering, telecommunications, control systems, radio-frequency engineering, signal processing, instrumentation, and microelectronics. Many of these disciplines overlap with other engineering branches, spanning a huge number of specializations such as hardware engineering, power electronics, electromagnetics and waves, microwave engineering, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, renewable energies, mechatronics, electrical materials science, and much more. See glossary of electrical and electronics engineering.
Electrical engineers typically hold a degree in electrical engineering or electronic engineering. Practising engineers may have professional certification and be members of a professional body. Such bodies include the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) (formerly the IEE).
Electrical engineers work in a very wide range of industries and the skills required are likewise variable. These range from basic circuit theory to the management skills required of a project manager. The tools and equipment that an individual engineer may need are similarly variable, ranging from a simple voltmeter to a top end analyzer to sophisticated design and manufacturing software.
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F.A.Q. about Electrical Engineering
What is Electrical Engineering?
Electrical Engineering deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism in all of their forms.
Whenever you go to flip a light switch in your house or even check the time on your smartphone, it took a series of electrical engineers to make that happen. The everyday things that we take for granted – like being able to turn on a light when it’s dark – are actually the result of hundreds of years worth of work by dedicated engineers.
In the grand scheme of academic study, electrical engineering is fairly new. But in its short life, it has become an absolutely essential field in providing us the everyday comforts we enjoy.
Why does the world need Electrical Engineering?
English physician, physicist, and philosopher William Gilbert are credited with introducing the term “electricity.” Although he did not spark the scientific interest in electricity that already existed, he could be called the first electrical engineer. Following in his footsteps in the 19th and early 20th centuries were such luminaries as Michael Faraday, Nikola Tesla, and Thomas Edison.
As technology progressed and electricity became much more widespread – from the electric telegraph to the lightbulb – so did the demand for people who studied and could work in this new field. At first, electrical engineers studied within the physics department at schools like Cornell and MIT, but soon they had their own programs. The first electrical engineering department in the U.S. was founded at the University of Missouri in 1886.
Electrical engineers in the U.S. today would probably be hard pressed to find a job where they work with telegraphs, but there are myriad other applications for this specialized knowledge in the modern world. Electrical engineers make it possible for us to enjoy many of the modern comforts we have in the U.S., from smartphones and tablets to public utilities.
The Present and Future of Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is just as important and exciting a field as it was when Nikola Tesla was still struggling to understand the true power of electricity. Though it is easy to look at the news and assume that computer programming, design, and mobile applications are the only important technologies to pursue, none of those things would be possible without the help of electrical engineers. Even the car company that bears Tesla’s name would not be able to exist without the field of electrical engineering and a team of people who understood how to make an electric car work, and how to maximize its battery life (still an area in need of further engineering innovation).
The future of electrical engineering work is likely to be both large and small. Electrical engineers will be able to choose whether they want to focus on the intricate circuits that make up personal computing devices or the huge instruments that control spacecraft, and even entire power grids.

Electrical engineering
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrical_engineeringWhat is Electrical Engineering?