QA - Quality assurance

Quality Assurance (QA) is defined as an activity to ensure that an organization is providing the best possible product or service to customers. QA focuses on improving the processes to deliver Quality Products to the customer. An organization has to ensure, that processes are efficient and effective as per the quality standards defined for software products. Quality Assurance is popularly known as QA Testing.
QA establishes and maintains set requirements for developing or manufacturing reliable products. A quality assurance system is meant to increase customer confidence and a company's credibility, while also improving work processes and efficiency, and it enables a company to better compete with others.
Quality assurance helps a company create products and services that meet the needs, expectations and requirements of customers. It yields high-quality product offerings that build trust and loyalty with customers. The standards and procedures defined by a quality assurance program help prevent product defects before they arise.
Quality assurance utilizes one of three methods:
Failure testing, which continually tests a product to determine if it breaks or fails. For physical products that need to withstand stress, this could involve testing the product under heat, pressure or vibration. For software products, failure testing might involve placing the software under high usage or load conditions.
Statistical process control (SPC), a methodology based on objective data and analysis and developed by Walter Shewhart at Western Electric Company and Bell Telephone Laboratories in the 1920's and 1930's. This methodology uses statistical methods to manage and control the production of products.
Total quality management (TQM), which applies quantitative methods as the basis for continuous improvement. TQM relies on facts, data and analysis to support product planning and performance reviews.
Quality assurance in software. Software quality assurance management (SQA) systematically finds patterns and the actions needed to improve development cycles. Finding and fixing coding errors can carry unintended consequences; it is possible to fix one thing, yet break other features and functionality at the same time.
SQA software has become important for developers as a means of avoiding errors before they occur, saving development time and expenses. Even with SQA processes in place, an update to software can break other features and cause defects - commonly known as bugs.
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Differences between Software testing and SQA services
- SQA tools
- Is about engineering process that ensures quality
- Involve activities related to the implementation of processes, procedures, and standards.
- Process focused
- Preventive technique
- Proactive measure
- The scope of software quality testing tools applied to all products that will be created by the organization
- Software Testing
- Software Testing is to test a product for problems before the product goes live
- Involves actives concerning verification of product Example - Review Testing
- Product focused
- Corrective technique
- Reactive measure
- The scope of Software Testing applies to a particular product being tested
Manual QA testing services Vs Automated Quality Assurance Testing
Software testing is a huge domain, but it can be broadly categorized into two areas: manual testing and automated testing. Both of them can be used to achieve the best results, but it is always worth knowing the difference between the two. Each testing type – manual and automated – comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
You can choose between manual and quality assurance testing services based on a variety of factors. These include:
- Project requirements
- Timeline
- Budget
- Expertise
- Suitability
- Manual Testing
Exploratory Testing: This scenario requires a tester’s expertise, creativity, knowledge, analytical and logical reasoning skills. With poorly written specifications and short execution time, human skills are a must to test in this scenario.
Ad-Hoc Testing: It is an unplanned method of testing where the biggest difference maker is a tester’s insight that can work without a specific approach.
Usability Testing: Here you need to check the level of user-friendliness and check the software for convenience. Human observation is a must to make the end user’s experience convenient.
- Quality Assurance automation tools
Repeated Execution: When you need to execute a use case repeatedly, automated testing is a better option.
Regression Testing: Automated automated QA software is better here because the code changes frequently and the regressions can be run in a timely manner
Performance: You need an automated QA testing software when thousands of concurrent users are simulated at the same time. Additionally, it is a better solution for load testing.