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Virtual Event Platforms

Virtual Event Platforms

Virtual events are on the rise. As technology progresses, it has made it possible for companies to host amazing online events - ones that even rival in-person versions. This has led to many benefits for both event planners and attendees alike.

A virtual event, also known as an online event, is an interactive gathering that happens on the internet. Unlike in-person events, virtual ones aren't restricted to a single location. A remote attendee can join and participate from anywhere in the world, given he or she has access to the web.

Some events are completely virtual and every guest attends sessions from the comfort of their own home, favorite coffee shop, or wherever they might be. Others have both in-person and virtual components. Some attendees visit the actual event location and others stream the festivities from their computer.

There are many reasons why virtual events are valuable. First off, virtual events allow the individuals or companies hosting them to reach a wider audience. Were you to host your event in New York City, for example, not every person in your audience would be able to attend due to the cost of travel. With a virtual event, travel isn't an issue.

In general, virtual events are also much cheaper to put on. Event planners don't have to book a giant venue or hire a bunch of temporary staff. These cost savings can then be passed on to each virtual attendee in the form of lower ticket prices.

Lastly, virtual events are extremely measurable. Companies can easily learn which sessions were the most popular, how many people attended, where those attendees live, how they paid for their tickets, and much more. Just about every attendee action can be easily tracked and analyzed. This information can then be used to improve event strategy.

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VR Lobby

VR Booths

360 Degree Panoramic Images/videos

Attendee Management

Badges with QR

Multiple Sessions

Attendees Plans

Live Streaming

On-demand Content Streaming

Simulated-live Event

Text, audio/video chatting with booth representatives

Presentation Tools

Webex, Zoom Integration

Face Recognition

Customizable Branding

Leads Management

Pre-built Templates

Schedule Builder

Sponsors Management

Email Alerts

Reminders Support

Social Media Integration

Access Control

File Sharing

Downloadable Content




Analytics & Reports

Event Metrics

ROI Measuring

CRM Integration

Mobile Access

24/7 Live Support

  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Webex
  • Zoom
  • N/A
  • Webex
  • Zoom
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Webex
  • Zoom
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Zoom
  • Webex
  • Zoom
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
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F.A.Q. about Virtual Event Platforms

What is a virtual event?

In an industry with lots of jargon and acronyms flying about, it’s easy to become bamboozled by terminology. However, in the case of virtual events, there’s little room for ambiguity – they are as they sound – events that take place completely online. Supported by specialist AV technology, virtual events negate the need for a physical location and work to bring people together virtually from across the world. Whilst a virtual event can’t replace the power and value of in-person interactions, they’re an effective tool that can be an engaging and immersive alternative to delivering business content and information.

How many people can attend a virtual event?

Virtual events have the capacity to facilitate large audience numbers: from hundreds of thousands to thousands, hundreds or smaller groups. Understanding, from the outset, what you want to achieve from your event and the complexity of the program, will provide a good guide to how many attendees should be invited.

How do attendees gain access to a virtual event?

In theory, this is an easy one to answer: attendees will receive an invite with access details, which will allow them to enter the virtual event on the date and time outlined. However, before this happens, there are some important things for you to consider first, including:

  • Are you charging an entry fee for the event?
  • Will the event be live, on-demand or a combination of the two?
  • How will you market your event, so your audience knows it’s taking place and want to be part of it?
  • Is your audience tech-savvy? Might they need a pre-event virtual guide/tour, so they are familiar with how to join and the features of a virtual event set up?

Having questions like these answered will define the platform required, help maximize attendance and optimize your delegates overall experience of the virtual event offering.

What are the main benefits of a virtual event?

  • Scope: Whilst not all events will suit a virtual treatment, many programs can be adapted into a digital format. It really comes down to your objectives and whether or not these can be achieved through holding an online event.
  • Accessibility: Expand the reach of your brand without the need for travel. Not only can virtual events connect you with a global audience in real-time, but with event recording, event content can be made available on-demand; providing more opportunities for people to consume your content at a time that suits their schedule best. What’s more, all that attendees and speakers need to attend/talk is a computer, laptop, or mobile device and a good, reliable internet connection.
  • Engagement: In-person events are unrivaled in their ability to engage and facilitate real human-to-human connections through creative interactions. For this reason, you might be concerned that virtual events can’t engage audiences. Whilst there’s no escaping the fact that there are limitations vs face-to-face meetings, there are lots of potentials to mix rich content with live polling, Q&As and whiteboards to keep engagement levels high throughout sessions. Social media can also be employed as a great engagement tool – use event hashtags, encourage attendees to post images of their highlights from the event, and get imaginative with other ways a sense of community can be created via social channels.
  • Multiple or Single Content Experiences: As with physical events, virtual events offer the opportunity to run multiple content streams concurrently; allowing different speakers to host sessions simultaneously and giving attendees the option to select sessions most relevant to them. If this isn’t required for your event, then a multiple single content experience may be a better fit.
  • Networking: While there’s no escaping the fact that in-person events are the most conducive way to network and make meaningful business connections, networking can still be factored into a virtual event program. Give attendees the chance to schedule one-on-one time or assemble into group breakouts, where they can speak to each other, your team, sponsors or speakers over the internet. A range of tools can be used to ensure attendees can leverage the best from their interactions.
  • Insight: The metrics and data insights that can be captured from virtual event platforms can help measure ROI and success against pre-defined KPIs. Information derived can be used to articulate if your event was successful and to influence future event decision making.

Is there a potential to incorporate sponsorship?

Yes. Virtual event spaces, presentations and other assets can be customised to reflect your branding and the branding of any sponsors you may partner with. This maximises brand exposure and maintains a sponsor revenue stream coming into your event.

Can virtual events be used as part of a hybrid event strayegy?

Absolutely. Incorporating virtual events with a holistic approach can be a good way to enhance your existing event strategy. Integrating virtual events into your wider events and meetings program will give you an additional tool to utilize alongside your live events; extending reach and engagement with your audience further.
