Website Administration

Web administration is the practice of keeping a website running efficiently and securely. Responsibility for the website is managed by the website administrator or webmaster, whose job is to perform the many daily tasks required to maintain a website. Website administrators plan and perform website enhancements and manage website content. They build web pages, fix bugs, and perform system upgrades. Website administration also involves managing user accounts, web software, web servers, web security, log analysis, content, and more.
Security is probably the most important part of web administration. If your web server is not secure, it can become a source for hackers to use to attack your customers directly, or bring down your site, or take even more malicious actions against your business.
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F.A.Q. about Website Administration
What Does a Website Administrator Do?
Website administrators, also known as webmasters, web developers or network and computer system administrators, are responsible for all aspects of keeping website content and design fresh, backed up, and fully functional. They typically work closely with clients to make sure they understand how they want their websites to look and function. Depending on their specific role, they may also be responsible for making sure local networks are functioning properly as well. The following chart provides an overview of the education, job outlook and average salaries in this field.
What is a Website Administrator?
Although sometimes called upon to create websites, the main responsibility of administrators is to maintain, back up and update existing websites for organizations. A website administrator would be responsible for making sure the site's user interface is easy to understand and efficient. He would ensure that all websites are operating securely and at optimum speeds. Approval of the content and links within the website might be part of his job description, and he will be responsible for evaluating each website's analytics, such as user feedback and traffic.

Website Administration Is a Website Administrator?