
Design is the activity of designing the aesthetic properties of industrial products (“artistic design”), as well as the result of this activity (for example, in such phrases as “car design”).
It is believed that in a broader sense, the design is not only intended for artistic design, but should also be involved in solving broader social and technical problems of the functioning of production, consumption, and the existence of people in the objective environment, by rational construction of its visual and functional properties.
The theoretical basis of design is technical aesthetics.
The term “industrial design” was approved by the decision of the first General Assembly of the ICSID (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design, International Council of Industrial Design Organizations) in 1959; The term “design” is a professional abbreviation of the term “industrial design”.
Designer - artist-designer, a person engaged in artistic and technical activities in various industries (including an architect, designer, illustrator, poster and other advertising graphics designer, web designer).
The word "design" English-language literature of the beginning of the XXI century, and understands the style, and the project, and design, and actually "design" - a professional activity, along with architecture or engineering design.
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Design object
The object of design can be almost any new technical industrial product (set, ensemble, complex, system) in any sphere of life activity of people, where human communication is socially and culturally conditioned.
The main categories of the design object are:
The image is an ideal representation of the object, an artistic-figurative model created by the designer’s imagination.
- Function - the work that the product must perform, as well as the semantic, sign and value role of the thing.
- Morphology - the structure, the structure of the shape of the product, organized in accordance with its function, material and method of manufacture, embodying the designer's intent.
- Technological form - morphology, embodied in the method of industrial production of the thing-object of the design-design as a result of artistic understanding of technology.
- Aesthetic value is a special value of an object revealed by a person in a situation of aesthetic perception, emotional, sensory experience and assessment of the degree of conformity of an object to the aesthetic ideal of a subject.
Techniques for finding a design solution:
- Exhibition modeling
- Museum situational modeling
- Reincarnation or borrowing position
- Person projection into the projected object
- Scenario modeling
- Game Situational Modeling
- Mathematical and physical modeling of the dynamics of an object in the environment
- Generative Design
Varieties of design:
- Animation design
- Architectural design
- Web design
- Game design
- Graphic design
- Urban design
- Interior Design
- Clothing design
- Ceremony Design
- Sound design
- Information design
- Book design
- Landscape Design
- Parametric design
- Print design
- Interaction design
- Software design
- Industrial Design
- Light design
- Transport design
- Futurodesign
- Ecodesign