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In computing, a server is a computer program or a device that provides functionality for other programs or devices, called "clients". This architecture is called the client–server model, and a single overall computation is distributed across multiple processes or devices. Servers can provide various functionalities, often called "services", such as sharing data or resources among multiple clients, or performing computation for a client. A single server can serve multiple clients, and a single client can use multiple servers. A client process may run on the same device or may connect over a network to a server on a different device. Typical servers are database servers, file servers, mail servers, print servers, web servers, game servers, and application servers.

Client–server systems are today most frequently implemented by (and often identified with) the request–response model: a client sends a request to the server, which performs some action and sends a response back to the client, typically with a result or acknowledgement. Designating a computer as "server-class hardware" implies that it is specialized for running servers on it. This often implies that it is more powerful and reliable than standard personal computers, but alternatively, large computing clusters may be composed of many relatively simple, replaceable server components.

Strictly speaking, the term server refers to a computer program or process (running program). Through metonymy, it refers to a device used for (or a device dedicated to) running one or several server programs. On a network, such a device is called a host. In addition to server, the words serve and service (as noun and as verb) are frequently used, though servicer and servant are not. The word service (noun) may refer to either the abstract form of functionality, e.g. Web service. Alternatively, it may refer to a computer program that turns a computer into a server, e.g. Windows service. Originally used as "servers serve users" (and "users use servers"), in the sense of "obey", today one often says that "servers serve data", in the same sense as "give". For instance, web servers "serve web pages to users" or "service their requests".

The server is part of the client–server model; in this model, a server serves data for clients. The nature of communication between a client and server is request and response. This is in contrast with peer-to-peer model in which the relationship is on-demand reciprocation. In principle, any computerized process that can be used or called by another process (particularly remotely, particularly to share a resource) is a server, and the calling process or processes is a client. Thus any general purpose computer connected to a network can host servers. For example, if files on a device are shared by some process, that process is a file server. Similarly, web server software can run on any capable computer, and so a laptop or a personal computer can host a web server.

While request–response is the most common client–server design, there are others, such as the publish–subscribe pattern. In the publish–subscribe pattern, clients register with a pub–sub server, subscribing to specified types of messages; this initial registration may be done by request–response. Thereafter, the pub–sub server forwards matching messages to the clients without any further requests: the server pushes messages to the client, rather than the client pulling messages from the server as in request–response.

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Dell EMC PowerEdge 14th generation server
Cisco UCS C4200 Series Rack Server Chassis
HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10
DELL Серверы PowerEdge в корпусе Tower
DELL Общая инфраструктура - Конвергентные платформы
Supermicro Серверы 19'' 1U
Supermicro Серверы Tower/19" 4U Серверы Tower/19" 4U
Supermicro Сервера с повышенной отказоустойчивостью
Supermicro Серверы хранения данных
Supermicro 4-х / 8-ми процессорные серверы

F.A.Q. about Server

What is a server?

A server is a software or hardware device that accepts and responds to requests made over a network. The device that makes the request, and receives a response from the server, is called a client. On the Internet, the term "server" commonly refers to the computer system which receives a request for a web document and sends the requested information to the client.

What are they used for?

Servers are used to manage network resources. For example, a user may set up a server to control access to a network, send/receive an e-mail, manage print jobs, or host a website. They are also proficient at performing intense calculations. Some servers are committed to a specific task, often referred to as dedicated. However, many servers today are shared servers which can take on the responsibility of e-mail, DNS, FTP, and even multiple websites in the case of a web server.

Why are servers always on?

Because they are commonly used to deliver services that are constantly required, most servers are never turned off. Consequently, when servers fail, they can cause the network users and company many problems. To alleviate these issues, servers are commonly set up to be fault-tolerant.

What are the examples of servers?

The following list contains links to various server types:

  • Application server;
  • Blade server;
  • Cloud server;
  • Database server;
  • Dedicated server;
  • Domain name service;
  • File server;
  • Mail server;
  • Print server;
  • Proxy server;
  • Standalone server;
  • Web server.

How do other computers connect to a server?

With a local network, the server connects to a router or switch that all other computers on the network use. Once connected to the network, other computers can access that server and its features. For example, with a web server, a user could connect to the server to view a website, search, and communicate with other users on the network.

An Internet server works the same way as a local network server, but on a much larger scale. The server is assigned an IP address by InterNIC, or by a web host.

Usually, users connect to a server using its domain name, which is registered with a domain name registrar. When users connect to the domain name (such as "computerhope.com"), the name is automatically translated to the server's IP address by a DNS resolver.

The domain name makes it easier for users to connect to the server because the name is easier to remember than an IP address. Also, domain names enable the server operator to change the IP address of the server without disrupting the way that users access the server. The domain name can always remain the same, even if the IP address changes.

Where are servers stored?

In a business or corporate environment, a server and other network equipment are often stored in a closet or glasshouse. These areas help isolate sensitive computers and equipment from people who should not have access to them.

Servers that are remote or not hosted on-site are located in a data center. With these types of servers, the hardware is managed by another company and configured remotely by you or your company.