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Audit is a check of the activity of an organization or system for compliance with laws, regulations and rules. The word audit means “listening” in Latin.

Auditing is a very important matter in financial and banking systems. Audits must be honest and incorruptible, so auditors often pay for high salaries so that they do not have the desire of the brothers.

Website audit is a comprehensive analysis: checking HTML-code for errors and presence, as well as a number of checked files, such as robots.txt, correct coding, error handling of the 404th, page loading speed and so on.

The scope of the subject of the audit also happens to be general, banking, insurance, IT (IT audit and IT security audit) and other activities.

The most popular products in category Audit All category products

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Software Platform
ИТ-аудит by IT Solutions
BDO Audit Services
Аудит сети by Si BiS
Аудит бизнес-процессов by Si BiS

Suppliers Audit

  • DEU
  • GBR
  • GEO
  • HUN
  • KAZ
  • LTU
  • POL
  • UKR
  • DEU
  • FRA
  • UKR
  • USA
  • CHE
  • DEU
  • FRA
  • GBR
  • USA

Vendors Audit

  • DEU
  • GBR
  • GEO
  • HUN
  • KAZ
  • LTU
  • POL
  • UKR
  • DEU
  • FRA
  • UKR
  • USA
  • CHE
  • DEU
  • FRA
  • GBR
  • USA

F.A.Q. about Audit

Types of audit:

Financial and investment audit

Financial - this is an audit in the classical sense, that is, verification of financial statements and expression of opinion about its reliability. Closely adjacent to it is an investment audit - a conclusion on the targeted and efficient use of investment resources and an audit of professional participants in investment activities (exchanges, investment and construction companies). Also close to the financial audit is adjacent to the audit and inventory activities. Depending on whether an audit of a company's reporting is conducted by an independent auditor or its own employees, it is customary to distinguish between an independent (audit in the classic sense) and an internal audit.

Industrial Audit

Industrial audit is a more complex phenomenon, as it includes elements of financial (in terms of forming the cost of products, confirmation of the reasonableness of tariffs for services — for example, housing and communal services) and a purely technical audit.

The technical audit is understood by independent experts to check the production organization system, the quality control and management system, the technical and technological solutions used, as well as to check the technical condition of machinery, equipment, machinery, buildings and structures, engineering communications, systems and networks, as well as technical and design checks. documentation expressing opinions on the validity of the applied technical / technological solutions, methods of production management and compliance of technical a cic state of engineering complex systems and equipment to the requirements of regulatory acts.

This also includes a set of measures for auditing the information technology environment of an enterprise — IT audit of systems and services, as well as an understanding of the level of software and hardware support — the level of automation.

Inspection activities are closely related to industrial audit - that is, technical supervision activities (production, construction, assembly, commissioning) of technically complex products that have so-called hidden work (work that cannot be seen and accepted for quality in the future - for example, foundation work ) and the activities of independent acceptance of technically complex products (ships, turbines, technological complexes) and confirmation of the achievement of design parameters, as well as acceptance of shipments of goods from evidence supporting their properties, quantity and quality.

The types of industrial audits are environmental audits (confirmation of loads on the environment), energy audits, audit of operating costs and confirmation of tariffs (used mainly to justify prices for products of natural and other monopolies) and other types of special audits (for example, ESD- audit).

Staff audit

Personnel audit is the definition, assessment of the personal potential of employees and the compliance of employees with the corporate culture and values ​​of the company.

In the course of this audit, the level of compliance of an employee with his position is established, personal qualities are assessed, and a comprehensive description of employees is given.

PR audit

Tasks - to check the implementation of project tasks, to analyze the effectiveness of the expenditure of funds allocated for the project. During the audit, such techniques as counting the number of messages, assessments, types of media, evaluation of materials for several components, statistical processing of motives are used. Along with the methods listed above, sociological surveys and point studies of representatives of the project’s target audience can be applied.

Environmental audit

Environmental audit of an enterprise is a comprehensive and independent assessment of compliance with requirements, including the requirements of existing international standards, regulations and regulations in the field of environmental safety, environmental management and environmental protection, as well as the preparation of relevant recommendations and their documentation for improving the activities of enterprises and organizations in the environmental field.
